You will find in the Windows Registry that the following keys will not be uninstalled remove them one by one using regedit.exe:

They occupy 4.02 MB ( 4212695 bytes) on disk. The following executables are incorporated in e2eSoft VCam 6.4. Note that you might be prompted for administrator rights. e2eSoft VCam 6.4's primary file takes around 2.78 MB (2911600 bytes) and its name is VCamMain.exe. e2eSoft VCam 6.4 is normally set up in the C:\Program Files (x86)\e2eSoft\VCam folder, depending on the user's option. You can uninstall e2eSoft VCam 6.4 by clicking on the Start menu of Windows and pasting the command line C:\Program Files (x86)\e2eSoft\VCam\unins001.exe. A guide to uninstall e2eSoft VCam 6.4 from your PCThis page contains thorough information on how to uninstall e2eSoft VCam 6.4 for Windows. It was developed for Windows by e2eSoft. Further information on e2eSoft can be seen here. You can get more details related to e2eSoft VCam 6.4 at.