This tends to be files like temporary and cached files, app installer packages, Time Machine backups and similar. The truth is that files which do not fit neatly into other sections get marked as Other.

"Other" on Mac can make up an awful lot of storage, and it's not immediately apparent what is stored as Other. Sections like Music, Photos, Messages and Mail are easy to see what kind of data is stored there - however there's also a mystery grey section called "Other". If you hover over each coloured section in the bar, you'll see what each segment represents. This overview will show what categories are taking up the most space, as well as how much space is available on your Mac.

This article will take you through 10 steps which will free up space on your Mac - removing unneeded files and clearing space for the stuff you actually need.

There comes a time in every computer's life when it is full of files and programs, slowing it down so much that its owner searches for an article such as this in order to cure it of these ailments (before it gets thrown out the window!). Last Updated : 1st December 2021 | Author: Wide Angle Software Dev Team