Newspaper bedding rats
Newspaper bedding rats

A study by Lanteigne and Reebs (2006) found that hamsters preferred pine shavings over aspen shavings, corncob, and wood pellets." "Some research has shown that rodents actually have a preference for wood chip beddings over artificial beddings. Rodents actually PREFER PINE/wood chip beddings over other alternatives:."It might be that pine bedding was more able to absorb urine and neutralize ammonia than were cedar and CareFRESH®Original beddings, which resulted in lower mean IgE antibody levels." Gamble and Clough (1976) found that ammonia causes damage to both the tracheal and bronchial epithelia. They also found that ammonia levels increase with high heat and humidity, both of which are optimal for bacterial growth. It is possible that the apparently higher levels of ammonia were adversely affecting the respiratory tract of the mice and causing an allergen IgE immune response. "Even though ammonia levels from urine were not measured in this study, personal observation through smell indicated that ammonia levels were highest when the mice were housed on the newspaper. Although the results were not significant, the pine bedding had the lowest mean values throughout the experiment and appeared to be the least variable." (1998) reported that individual mouse IgE levels in response to allergens can be highly variable. ​"The data for the CareFRESH®Original bedding was particularly variable.

newspaper bedding rats

"The newspaper was not very absorbent and needed to be changed every few days to prevent a strong buildup of ammonia, which is the product of ureasepositive bacteria breaking down the urine and feces (Gamble & Clough, 1976)." "This research shows that CareFRESH®Original, cedar, and pine are all equally healthy bedding materials for mice with respect to growth, food intake, oxygen consumption, IgE antibody levels, and overall well being for at least a 4-month period. "Because the IgE antibody levels for the cedar and pine bedding were not higher than those of the CareFRESH Original bedding, it is not likely that plicatic acid or abietic acid as found in resinous beddings, were having any effect on the respiratory tracts of the mice." This research shows that pine is safe for rodents and is not harmful to the respiratory system, had no effect of growth rate, food intake, oxygen consumption, or IgE antibody concentrations (which is associated with lung damage and allergens from working with wood):.There are 3 older studies prior to 1991 that say pine is not safe - this study specifically references these studies, and disproves them.

newspaper bedding rats

ARTICLE: The Effects of Chronic Exposure to Common Bedding Materials on the Metabolic Rate and Overall Health of Male CD-1 Mice

Newspaper bedding rats